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Collection of Recommended Resources   

2007-12-24 11:39:50|  分类: Recommend Curric |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Hey, don't hesitate to recommend the useful curriculum resources which you think useful to our class.

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I can make  it , but you can make it better.With our joint efforts ,we can make it muchbetter!!


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Let’s express our sincerely thanks to those who generously[慷慨的, 大方的] recommended these great sentences for us



1.According to an authoritative report, with sufficient incentives, China has the capacity to generate 1.2 gW of wind power, about three times as much energy generated by the Three Gorges Dam. ----1412

2.The postal bureau will issue a set of commemorative stamps today to popularize the mascot. ---- 1318

3.When one mentions Italian cooking to most foreigners they almost automatically<自动地> think of pizza and spaghetti. This is a sad oversimplification, because Italian cooking is as diversified<多变化的,各种的> as it is delicious.    

4.Pizza, for example, is a south Italian regional dish that was once served because it combined all the virtues a thrifty cook looks for--it was inexpensive, simple to make, nourishing, and tasty.

5.Pasta opens the next course of the meal and sums up the basic Italian food.

6.The truth is that the art and ease with which the Italians eat spaghetti are the result of generations of spaghetti-eating.

7.Several attempts to invent and patent a special mechanical spaghetti fork with a revolving handle have been looked upon with scorn and shocked disgust by the Italians, who say that to use such an instrument would be like eating lobster with a pitchfork.         ---1316

8.The 2007 honor went to the Russian leader because of Putin's "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability,"----1415                                                                                                                                    

9.Located on the western edge of Hunan Province next to Guizhou, Feng Huang Cheng's beauty lives up to this story. 

10.Chen urged governments at all levels to increase efforts to monitor and contain new outbreaks, ensure there is enough investment in preventative programs, and improve training for health professionals. ---1324

11.This age group has some very clear ideas on how the world could be changed for the better but is very rarely given the opportunity to express them

12.Scientists have said the cloning of genetically modified rabbits will pave the way for the cloning of other animals with different human disease genes so as to aid research on medicines and genetic diseases that affect humans. ---1322

13.Other visitors made calls for the strengthening of the government's anti-corruption efforts, and comments about the need for special attention to be given to cases involving institutes of higher education and grassroots governments ----16

14.Stock market investors should enthuse in macro-economy instead of attaching excessive importance to micro-economy. ---17

15."It will definitely help strengthen the mutual trust between the two countries, and the militaries in particular, given that they have an episode of unpleasant history," said Sun Shihai, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. ----1420

16"Sports like judo teach you mutual respect," he said. "Respect for your rival, with the knowledge that an adversary who appears weak can put up resistance and even beat you if you lose concentration and become complacent." ——1429

17. At a grand(盛大的,ceremony in the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the success of China's first lunar probe(月球探测器)Chang'e I, Hu reiterated 重申) that peaceful use of outer space was a shared cause of the mankind and accords with(符合, the common interests of the mankind. ---1305

18.Today the news from the Far East is worse than ever and I have read your statements as to Japanese brutality.  ---1301

       is worse than ever 用比较级表最高级】

19. Study findings suggest that you may be able to lessen the frequency of these "senior moments' simply by eating more fish. And the more fish you eat, the bigger the effect, according to research conducted in Norway. ---1302

20. Developing countries are innocent in terms of their responsibilities to the cause of climate change, but they are most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. ---1304

21.Over the past four years, the authorities have adopted various measures to lower the amount of pollutants discharged into the air. ----1307

22. Based on our studies, we recommended in 2000 that it should be a long-term goal to have 60 percent of China's imported oil shipped by domestic companies by 2015 ----1310 

23. No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world. -----1404

24. Entitled[给…称号] "Together in 2008, Impossible is Nothing," it is an integrated marketing campaign aimed at engaging Chinese consumers on a new level.  ----1405   

25. The ministry said that many new technologies were used in the project for the first time in China's railway building history, which together enhances the railway's life span[寿命] and produces low levels of pollution and noise. -------1308

26. The plan, which comes into effect on Jan. 1, also increases the total number of national holidays from 10 to 11 days. ----- 1306



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